Gettinfg The Feel Of Being Boss & Getting Tax Advice Early

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Growth and financial security are the two main things that a would-be business magnate needs to concentrate on.  There are so many  strings to the title Business too.  It can mean how someone runs their money making operation, whether they are a sole-trader content with earning less than £100K or the self employed chappie or lass who does earn over that and finds that it’s best to convert to a LLC, limited liability company and transfer it over much sooner than hitting the 100K.   The rules around registering as sole trader and whether you need to register and things you need to do compulsorarily are all matters that need clarification at the earliest opportunity.  Most business owners of any size are advised to appoint a good accountant, they know the system so well and will be able to advise on tax matters and how to run things in the most tax efficient manner without in any way infringing on the wide rules surrounding business.   There are also many groups out there who are business advisors and good advice can turn a fledgling company around so it becomes more visible and attractive after the boss has offloaded some of that responsibility and thus has more time to deal with the main thing!